Book review: Fontblog
Fontblog author Jürgen Siebert says about the Fritz Kahn monograph: “In his publications, Fritz Kahn visualized the human body and other phenomena of nature so vividly that even those without scientific education could understand them. That was mainly because of his illustrations which he got made by graphic designers and artists. For this reason his oeuvre quite rightly is considered to be a pioneering achievement in information design. It is amazing what one can learn through Fritz Kahn. … The monography presents an overview over Kahn’s visual works whose multilayeredness and vividness fascinate to this very day.” Siebert invites Fontblog readers to participate in a raffle – with the chance to win a copy of the new Fritz Kahn monograph. – Fontblog is the weblog of font reseller FontShop with news from the fields of communication design and typography, 129,000 visitors generate 648,000 page impressions per month.
Fontblog (article in German)