Interview: Monocle 24
In the one-hour news show Midori House, hosts Georgina Godwin and Phil Han talked with co-author Uta von Debschitz about the legacy of Fritz Kahn. Uta explained how the illustrations in his popular science books captured her attention and how the recent Kahn monograph was born. She described her personal favorite Kahn image, Walnut and Human Brain, and the increasing interest in his work. Godwin stated that Kahn “dramatically changed our image of ourselves”, and Han judged the Taschen volume produced by the von Debschitz siblings as a “fantastic book”. – Midori House is produced by radio station Monocle 24 from its headquarters at Midori House, London. As a round-the-clock station, Monocle 24 delivers news and comment, plus magazine shows covering a range of topics, including design and print media.
Midori House (interview starts at 40:22)