Book review: Junge Welt
Wolfgang Müller, artist and spokesman of the Berlin avant garde group “Die Tödliche Doris,” published a review in the daily newspaper Junge Welt. He recommends the monograph “Fritz Kahn – Man Machine” and concludes: “A beautifully designed, informative, and entertaining book that includes a critique of the life and work of Fritz Kahn. This is not a book for the science department. It is actually more appropriate for the art shelves today. It is too good for a cabinet of curiosities.” Junge Welt (Young World) is a nationwide daily newspaper with a leftist, Marxist orientation, based in Berlin. By its own account, the print version reaches around 50,000 readers, and the web site generates 3.4 million page views on average per month.
Junge Welt (full article in German)