Lecture: TYPO Berlin 2010

November 11, 2009

At TYPO Berlin 2010 (Passion), in addition to renowned speakers such as Carlos Segura (Chicago), Rick Poynor (London), and Oliver Reichenstein (Zurich), siblings Uta and Thilo von Debschitz will present their passionate book project on Fritz Kahn. They will explain how they became fascinated by Kahn’s inspiring work and how their fascination led to an adventurous search for documents, images, and facts.
TYPO Berlin, Europe’s premier annual design conference, will be attended by some 1200 typographers, designers, and media creatives from all over the world. For three days, leaders in the disciplines of graphics, design, media, and art will present their work and stories, augmented by lectures, roundtables, workshops, and initiatives. The conference will take place at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, Germany, May 20-22, 2010.
TYPO Berlin 2010